Campolindo High School has deployed live-stream cameras at several of our sports venues including our Stadium, Main Gym, Pool and Softball and Baseball Fields. We live-stream all Home events through the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS).
Follow the instructions below to set up a free NFHS Account to watch all Campo Home games. If you'd like to see any high school live-streamed event at any school who has deployed NFHS live-stream cameras, you can 'subscribe' to NFHS for a monthly or annual fee.
To watch Campo Home game live-streamed events or to access game videos on-demand for FREE:
Once you've set up your free NFHS account, login and search for Campolindo High School. Then select the event you want to watch and start watching.
If you want to be notified when Campo events are happening, click the 'Follow' button when you search for Campolindo High School.
Initiated by Football team parents more than five years ago, an NFHS Live-stream camera was installed at Campo's Stadium to broadcast Campo's home football games.
Since then, Campo has installed four additional live-stream cameras - one in the Main Gym, at the Pool and at both our Softball and Baseball fields.
In addition to the automated cameras, The Campo Athletics Boosters has purchased manual camera operation equipment to allow for manual filming. Having this capability will also make it easier to conduct interviews, pre and post- game shows. and other interesting broadcast features!
The Campo Live-stream Broadcast Student Club was created during the '21/'22 school year - to give students an opportunity to help create the broadcast effort as well as to gain experience:
More than 30 students signed up for the Student Club and a dozen students are actively engaged in working on these diverse aspects of creating a live-stream broadcast.
To enable a broader set of teams to broadcast their sporting events (home games from the Stadium, Gym, Pool and Softball field), a set of guides are being developed to enable richer broadcasts:
As the Guides are developed, you'll be able to link to them by clicking above.
Andrew Pak and Alvaro Ledezma
Two Junior students, Andrew Pak and Alvaro Ledezma, completed the first ever NFHS live-stream student broadcast, by announcing the Girls Varsity Volleyball game on October 21st, 2021.
Their announcing was flawless - making it hard to believe this was their very first experience announcing a sporting event. Undoubtedly, this is the first of many student productions to come!